Monday, May 9, 2011

Taryn's Running Blog

'I'm NOT a Runner!'
So, as you may have heard, my goal for 2011 is to participate in a 'try-a-tri,' which essentially, a mini triathlon. Watch the video here:

I am happy to announce that I did reach my cycling goal and can ride 10 km in under 30 minutes! Yahoozahs! But now my focus has changed to the try-a-tri's run. Before getting into detail, let's get one thing straight. I am NOT a runner. Nope, not at all.
Sure, I did cross country and track and field in elementary school, but I pretty much died doing cross country in high school and walked for most of the 1-mile run in gym class. All the sports I have ever been involved with have been short bursts of power, strength and flexibility. The only time I ever participated in a time of endurance-based sport, was swimming and my longest event was 500 m. Eep. So running is a wee bit daunting to me. 

The try-a-try run is 2.5 kilometers. I'm going to blog every time after I run until I can run for 2.5 km straight! Here's how I'm setting myself up to achieve this goal:

S: specifically, I am focussing on completing a 2.5 km run in any time. My goal here is on distance and not a time. I want to be able to jog at a comfortable pace for the entire 2.5 km. 

M: I am measuring my gaol by mapping out my runs. I plan my routine before my run using the 'create your own route' function at Its a great Canadian website! 

A: To make this goal attainable, I am not pushing myself to do a 5 k or 10 k, just a 2.5 k run. With the race just weeks away, I don't want to push myself too hard and cause an injury or mental burnout. 

R: The things I need to realistically achieve my goal:

  • Running shoes *I will do a special blog on how to chose the proper shoe
  • Running socks *apparently, cotton socks can lead to blisters! So I have invested in proper running socks.
  • A Variety of running clothing *yes, I will show you what I wear when I run throughout my blog!
  • My iPod to keep me motivated. I have found that listening to face paced music makes me want to run faster, so I'm sticking to slower songs like Taylor Swift and the Script. *I will post my playlist too!
  • A journal to record my progress.
T: This goal is timely, only because I have a deadline of when the race is occurring. Up until the week of the race, before I taper, I will run 3-4 days per week. One day to run, one day to rest, one to day to run...etc. 

Are you going to be running this spring?! 
Tell me what your goal is and how you are going to achieve it. 

In the meantime, here are some great resources:

A fantastic tutorial on proper running form that really helped me out!

That's it for now, I will keep you updated on my progress. Have a great day and keep smiling :) 

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