Friday, June 24, 2011

Juicing - Day 3

Carrot-Green Pepper
Okay so this has been by far the worst tasting anything ever.  Gagged numerous times trying to drink it.  Probably doesn't help that I dislike green peppers.  Chris thought both Lauren and I were wusses and had no problem finishing ours off.

6 carrots
1/2 green pepper
1 handful of rolled up kale leaves

Look: Pale orange with a green tinge.
Texture: Pretty much entirely liquid.
Taste: Disgusting.  Sad because I love carrots but this was ga-ross!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Juicing - Day 2

Cucumber Apple

This is my first attempt at a vegetable juice.  It wasn't too bad though - very healthy that's for sure!  Very good to help cleanse your liver.

1 cucumber
1 apple
2 tsps of fresh parsley (roll up a big bunch into a ball so the machine will juice it properly!)

Look: It's... green.  That is all
Texture: Liquid... I could taste a TINY bit of cucumber pulp but that was it.
Taste: I did not particularly like it.  BUT I included the skin of the cucumber, which you apparently aren't supposed to do because it has a very bitter taste.  I'll keep you posted when I try one without the skin!

Let me know in the comments what your favourite juicing recipe is and maybe I'll try it this week! :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Adventures in Health: Juicing - Day 1

Hey girls!

So in my attempt to be healthier (especially after my trip to Texas) I decided to do a little research on juicing.  What would be easier than downing a glass consisting of 10 carrots, an apple and 2 stalks of celery?  Vegetables intake for the day = DONE!  Right? ... Right?

Although not an expert, I did do a bit of research on the topic and here are the 3 primary benefits of juicing:

Click to continue...

Monday, June 20, 2011

What I Ate Today (Rachel)

Taryn and I get a ton of requests every day to show you guys what we eat. So here's my version of what I eat in a day!

I'm a big breakfast eater, I can eat a soon as I wake up (and often my tummy wakes me up early to eat!).

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What I Eat in a Day!

Although we have a dailybooth account ( Rachel and I were thinking to ourselves, hey! We vlog an entire day of what we eat and why...unfortunately Rach went to Texas and I went to work and so I wasn't able to complete a here's a BLOG!

This is what I would eat on a typical weekday. And its not to say that every day is perfectly balanced. Some evenings I will have icecream or chips because I feel like it. My mindset is that you should never restrict yourself of something, unless it is horribly unhealthy for you, because your craving will get even bigger and stronger! So when I do eat chips, popcorn, icecream, chocolate or candy (mmmm...swedish berries...) I try my best to eat "in moderation." Meaning I consciously eat and watch my serving sizes so I don't over do it.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Get RID of Cellulite?!

Ugh. Gross. Seriously? REALLY?! COME ON!

It’s that time of year again! We put on our bikinis and stare blankly at ourselves in the mirror. Although we are young, confidence, intelligent and beautiful inside and out, we may a little tiny thing that’s called cellulite. Not everyone who has cellulite, but for those of us that do (yes! Even I have it) we can feel uncomfortable or self-conscious in our bikini bods. So, this blog is dedicated to talking about WHY we have cellulite, WHAT it is and HOW to get rid of it or reduce its appearance. The NEXT BLOG will talk about how to be CONFIDENT in your own skin, no matter what your body shape or size. We are who we are and 

click to continue...

Friday, June 3, 2011

Berry Delicious Recipes!

Yes... I'm quite behind on this one... but here are some of my favourite berry recipes from our May FOTM!

May is here! And so this DELISH Food of the Month...

Mmm... I always get so excited for spring and summer to come JUST so I can taste these delicious fruits...


There are so many amazing kinds to choose from, its so hard to pick just one!  Here are a few great options and one fun fact about each.  Which one has amazing anti-aging properties?  Watch our video to find out!

Easy Portion Control Tips

Now I know we always say "calories in < calories out" but sometimes its hard to guess how many calories are in our foods when companies are distorting portions or not divulging them at all!  Here are some easy tips you can use at home to get you started: